
Quickcast wow macro
Quickcast wow macro

quickcast wow macro

Multi dot, moonfire, sunfire also want it to apply ferifire if target does not have it

#Quickcast wow macro how to#

I want to know how to make my sequence macros switch icon with the spell that is up and going to be used next… this is my macro i already have #showtooltip crusader strike /startattack /cast eternal flame !shield of the righteous /castsequence reset=0 0,0,0,0,0,0,consecration /castsequence reset=0 0,0,0,0,0,judgment /castsequence reset=0 0,0,0,0,avenger's shield /castsequence reset=0 0,0,0,holy wrath /castsequence reset=0 0,0,hammer of wrath /castsequence reset=0 0,holy prism /castsequence reset=0 crusader strikeĪuto cast Earth Shield on tank every couple of minuets To first cast Demonic Bulwark, and then Sacrificial Pact, to get the boost to the shield from demonic bulwark Basically: Upon pressing /shred macro If buff "Druid of the Flames" is active (buff I get to become fire kitty) keep my Trident of Corrupted Waters (main weapon) equipped and just Ĭast judgement,crudader strike and divine storm I'd like to add a macro to my say /shred ability that equips/unequips the staff as needed. Hey guys! So my druid is finally the proud owner of Fendral's Flamescythe (i.e. Misdirect the current target to my pet so I can keep them off of me. Unholy burst that casts empower Rune Weapon, Unholy Frenzy, Summon Gargoyle, Lichborne, Unholy Blight, and Remorseless Winter. But i also want to reset it back to Dire Beast if i did not use the Beastial Wrath before the cooldown of Ĭast judgment and sacred shield first one then the other one But what i want is after i use Dire Beast i want a cast sequence to make me cast Beastial Wrath while Dire Beast is on cooldown. I want a macro with Dire Beast and Beastial Wrath in one button.

quickcast wow macro

So i've tried to do this pretty simple macro but i just won't get it to work. Hello everyone, I'm leveling a disc priest and to simplify action bars i use macros like this one that cast an attack or a heal according to my target : #showtooltip /cast Châtiment Soins rapides Châtiment Soins rapides Châtiment -> to attack the target of the player i target by pressing MAJ, ALT, CTRL Soins rapides -> to heal my target when it's friendly Châtiment -> to attack my Target a totem and then cast gorefiend's graspĬast execute when boss bellow 20% and heroic strike when over that number How to write a macro represent that you rightclick the gear in WOW It shud start with mutilate then vendeta then shado balde so instead that it tries to throw out Swiftmend after Rejuv again it starts casting a Regrowth insted :)Ĭast frostfire bolt then cast Fire blast after the cooldown I would like to see a Druid macro for Rejuvenation, Lifebloom, and swiftmend, where it resets after casts and cooldown on Swiftmend. I Already use a macro the uses the Engineer hands on CD. I want to be able to mouseover macro Rejuvenation and cast Swiftmend on CD. That way i can just run through mobs that im trying to farm for low level drops using an instant cast, on the move spell I want to be able to target an enemy like I would if a hit the tab key and then have it Cast Shadow Word:Pain.

quickcast wow macro

Max DPS rotation for a Destro warlock for dungeons! :D Thanks!Ĭast Serpent Sting only when target doesnt have serpent sting, and then use focus frenzy Premediation, Slice and Dice, CheapShot, Hemophage, Rupture, Shadow Dance, Ambush, Ambush, Kidney Shot, Ambush, Eviscerate, Mark Of Death, Eviscerate i used to have one but cant find it anywhere and I am a noob with macros. I'm looking for a smart cast Disc macro that will, once a target is targeted, do cascade, penance, holy fire, smite smite smite. Facebook tweet 690 requests from World of Warcraft players - help them out!

Quickcast wow macro